Welcome to Follow the Pixels!

My name is Justin. I've been dabbling in making websites since I was in elementary school in the late 90's. I've always loved video games, so the primary focus of this Neocities site will be on my experiences and thoughts regarding video games I find interesting. But I also love music, art, cats, pixel art, "retro" electronics, board games, and all kinds of other stuff. I grew up in the woods of Pennsylvania but I currently live in Queens, NYC.

I'm sorry there's not much to see here at the moment. I'll be doing styling and writing soon!

I'm currently playing Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth on my own and Helldivers 2 with a couple of pals. I just replayed Metal Gear Solid 1, 2, and 3 on original PS1 and PS2 hardware. That was fun! Also recently completed Link's Awakening on a handheld emulator. That game holds up, man!

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: These Objects Aren't Different Enough

Too many of the objects in FF7Rebirth look like they could exist in a game about Home Depot. The NPCs look like they shop at H&M. This sandwich rules, though:

I'm also playing a little bit of The Gnorp Apologue. I'm not normally into "idle"/"clicker" games but this is pretty engaging and has a fantastic aesthetic. Nice.

BTW, I realize this site looks like butt right now. I'm finding a few minutes each night to ease into this. Finding it pretty enjoyable to keep this super sparse and edit right in the Neocities HTML editor. It's fun. It'll look much better some day. I do know how to do that. Probably.